Things you should know before getting into programming

Swapnil Bhojwani
2 min readOct 15, 2019

Hi,guys welcome to my new blog.In this blog i am going to tell you what are the things you should know before getting into programming.

    Programming is useful in almost all things from landing to moon🚀🚀 till creating a website it’s all about programming.You can program a computer according to your needs & it performs accordingly if there is no mistake in the code. This is so cool as you can do many calculations fastly if you know how to program a computer. If you do not do it then you will repent.
    You should first explore the programming world before getting into it. You can explore things by trying different languages & you should have a clear idea about what you want to become like app developer,game developer,Website developer,etc. As there is lot of scope in coding so you can set your goals and then can focus🎯on it.
    Many people think that python is a begginer friendly language but i think it is not as it makes it easy for programmers to code but at first you should try languages like c,c++,etc .They are quite difficult but it will help you in future if you jump to any other languages in future.You have to do something beyond your comfort zone.
  1. Stay motivated:-
    At times you will find difficult problems & you can give up at that time. But don’t do that always try to split bigger problems into shorter problems as it increases your efficiency & you can crack the algorithm quickly.
  1. Write pseudocode:-
    Many people directly writes the code which is a bad practice.You should first write the pseudo code of the program then convert it into the code. It reduces the complexity of the problem & gives you a better edge in tracing the program. Just write the question in copy & try to make logic & then code it.

I hope you liked the blog.Please share your views on this topic by commenting on this blog.Happy coding❤❤.

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